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Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) Calculation
Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) is calculated by dividing the Waist measurement by the Hip measurement (W/H). A measure of the ratio of your waist circumference to hip circumference to determine body fat distribution and can be an indicator of metabolic disease. WHR is used as general health indicator as people with more weight around the waist face more health risks than those with more weight around the hips. WHR is also used as a measurement of abdominal obesity.
Measurements sites remain the same over time using with measuring tape. Measurements with subjects feet should width apart, spine straight, scapular retracted, and abdomen relaxed.
Waist: One inch above the navel or smallest circumference below the rib cage after complete expiration.
Hip: Largest circumference around the gluteal with subjects heels together.
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Your Waist to Hip Ratio is
Your BMI is :
Waist to Hip Ratio Classification
Your BMI Classification is:
Waist -To - Hip Ratio Classification Chart
Classification | Male | Female |
Low | 0.95 or Lower | 0.80 or Lower |
Normal | 0.96 – 1.0 | 0.81 – 0.85 |
High | 1.0 or Higher | 0.85 or Higher |
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